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Soul Sessions give you the answers, from the perspective of your Soul. 
We can all get caught up in the problems and stressors from day-to-day life and feel as though we are stuck. Your Soul however, has an expansive perspective of your life, more than just your physical being. During one of these sessions, you receive information from your soul’s calling while learning to connect to your Soul Voice to have a direct experience of the Divine part of you. You receive insightful, practical, grounded and spiritual information (otherwise known as returning to the home of your soul), and I help to facilitate this direct experience of your Soul Self.


A good intuitive reading validates the intuitive hunches that you have felt previously, while leaving you feeling empowered, seen, heard and understood. Readings are always in the spirit of a collaborative experience.


Whether the topic is related to you, relationships, health, love, work, finances - the Soul has its own unique perspective which can dramatically transform and heal your life. When you access your inner Soul Voice, you stay connected to the wisdom that wants you to be the purest and highest expression of yourself.


Soul Sessions are intimate and can be done over the phone, on FaceTime or Zoom (International clients are done online to avoid international phone charges).

In-person sessions are available for those nearby or taking a trip to visit the Newcastle area.




What's Included?


+ Discovery Session with The Maven

+ 1 week of email support





45 Minute Session

$120 AUD


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