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These embodiment rituals and practices are deeply rooted in the divine feminine and focused on soul-nourishing and self-love practices to evoke and transform the divine and wild woman within. They feel just like a mini-retreat experience without having to getaway for days (which as we know is not always practical)!


The guided Goddess Embodiment Rituals are centred on giving yourself the permission to retreat - to unravel and to connect with yourself. Here we embody the enlightened energy of wholeness, love, joy, peace, fulfilment and connection through movement and soulful expression so you can step into life with a renewed sense of invigoration, clarity and calm.


These rituals are in-person and crafted specifically for you to heal, realign and rediscover your most expansive and awakened self.


Select your embodied ritual experience from one Body practice and one Mind & Spirit practice:


Body Ritual - Physical Expression

+ Ecstatic dance

+ Dance
+ Nature walk-in beach or bush settings

+ Empowered lifting


Mind & Spirit - Soulful Expression

+ Goddess intuitive guidance 

+ Sacred oracle card reading 

+ Cacao ceremony
+ Full moon & crystal ritual 

+ Sage clearing
+ Journal & Gratitude practice 

+ Manifesting & Envisioning ritual

+ Hot stone energy healing

These are just to name a few…





1.5 Hour Session

$240 AUD


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